It's early morning.

A wrinkly hand gently moves the beads of a sibha.

The same hand reaches into a bowl of dates soaking in water.

An old sage sits on a large jute mat beneath a tree, dressed in a white thobe. Beside him is a tray with a bowl on it. He's engaged in dhikr. He's surrounded by the sound of goats and chickens. As he worships, he grabs a date and puts it in his mouth.

This goes on for a time.

A young boy wearing a shirt and pants enters and sits on the other side of the tray.

The boy reaches into his pocket and pulls out prayer beads of his own. He starts to worship as the sage does.

The sage gives him a nonchalant glance and eats another date.

After a moment, the boy reaches for a date of his own. The sage smacks his hand forcefully. The boy winces and cries out:

BOY: What did I do?!
SAGE: (chewing) You can't worship while you eat dates.
BOY: Isn't that exactly what you're doing?!
SAGE: No. I've never done that in my life.

The boy looks utterly confused.

SAGE: Move along now.

The boy throws down his prayer beads in frustration and storms off.


It's high noon. The boy and an older boy kick a soccer ball back and forth on a sandy pitch.

Later, they sit side by side on the ground. The older boy drinks a Vimto, holding the ball under his arm.

BOY: I have a question for you.
OLDER BOY: Uh huh.
BOY: Can you worship while eating dates?

The older boy grins knowingly.

OLDER BOY: Of course not.

Again, the boy looks utterly confused.


It's dusk. The boy feeds some chickens, and watches them carefully as they peck at their meal.


It's morning again.

The sage sits under the same tree, in the same posture as before. He's worshipping and eating from his same bowl of dates.

The boy enters and joins him, as he did before. He's wearing a different shirt. He takes out his prayer beads and starts to worship.

After a while, the boy puts his hand out.

BOY: Give me a date, please.

The sage eyes the boy sternly.

SAGE: Can you worship while eating dates?
BOY: No.
SAGE: Then what will you do?
BOY: I'll do what you're doing.
SAGE: And what am I doing?
BOY: You're eating dates while you worship.

The sage's face lights up with a smile.

SAGE: God is great.

The sage places many dates in the boys hand, and clasps it closed. Their prayer beads overlap.