No platitudes but look we gotta stay nourished during all this so look I'm saying look here I go look:


Yeah y'all ain't think I knew what á la carte meant did y'all? Anyway I know Ramadan is coming up so y'all either got some of these in the crib already or you got a grocery run coming up -- here's what you need for this recipe:

10 Medjool dates, pitted

So yeah that's it just go in. Any of y'all who say "ew they look like roaches" do me a favor, go head and grow up.


See? I really do know what it means, I wasn't playing. Y'all think I would keep using a phrase I only have a vague understanding of, without looking it up? On this, the most prestigious journal on the Internet? I been knowing the meaning for a long time now. I already knew it. I knew it. I knew it. La la la la I can't hear you I knew it.

20 whole cashews

Enjoy this source of healthy fats, but know that they're more calorie-dense than most other nuts. If you got a jump-rope in the crib though, yehmean, do you.


If you know me, you already knew this was coming. Pull out:

10 Medjool dates, pitted
30 whole cashews

So first you wanna julienne the cashews and get started with reducing the dates -- all of these words I know the meanings of by the way. Ard ard jk lmao, obviously you just put em in a bowl and have at em. The quantities here don't mean shit really, I just recommend keeping the ratio 3:1 cashews:dates.

Fun fact, that last recipe contains the exact same ingredients as a Senzu bean. Bon appétit.